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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Little Shop of Horrors

"Does this look "inanimate" to you, punk? If I can move and I can talk, who's to say I can't do anything I want?"

Based on the Broadway musical with the same name, "Little Shop of Horrors" is the story of a flowershop in a rough town called Skid Row. Seymour (Moranis) is a klutz and total nerd, but plants are his life. He works at the Skid Row Flowershop and enjoys weird plants. He meets his match after finding a weird type of Venus Flytrap that no one else has ever seen. He calls his plant Audrey II (after the love of his life) and attempts to make it grow. After accidentally cutting himself at the shop he discovers the only thing that Audrey II wants is blood (and hey, a little blood couldn't hurt, right?), and this blood is making the plant grow bigger and bigger. As the plant grows the flowershop starts becoming more popular as people want to learn more about this strange plant.

Also at the shop is Mr. Mushnik (Gardenia), the owner, and the original Audrey (Greene). Audrey is in an abusive relationship with a sadistic dentist, Orin (Martin). And keeping commentary on the whole situation are the Urchins: Crystal (Arnold), Ronette (Weeks) and Chiffon (Campbell).

While this film does follow the original story-line of the Broadway show there are some differences: there are new songs and a different ending. I love the music from the original show, and the film does not disappoint musically! Steve Martin steals every scene he is in...even though you do hate him, but the rest of the cast is wonderful as well. Also watch the minor characters closely for some hillarious cameos!

Rent it once: the plant is freaky, so I wouldn't suggest eating during or immediately after watching the film, but otherwise it is pretty awesome!
Dude, it's quotable: the music is catchy and story is funny

Little Shop of Horrors (1986) 94 minutes
Director: Frank Oz
Starring: Rick Moranis as Seymour Krelborn
Ellen Greene as Audrey
Vincent Gardenia as Mr. Mushnik
Steve Martin as Orin
Tichina Arnold as Crystal
Michelle Weeks as Ronette
Tisha Campbell as Chiffon

What About Bob?

"Well, if I fake it then I don't have it."

Dr. Leo Marvin (Dreyfus) is a well-known psychiatrist who is enjoying the success of his most recent book "Baby Steps."  A colleague refers a new patient to him: Bob (Murray).  Bob is afraid of pretty much everyhing, is very needy, and has gone through several psychiatrists.  Dr. Marvin is leaving for a month-long vacation to New Hampshire with his family, and is shocked to find Bob has followed him.

Dr. Marvin's wife Fay (Hagerty) and children Siggy (Korsmo) and Anna (Erbe) are thrilled to have Bob join them.  Bob and Siggy are kindred spirits and quickly become best friends.  Bob also strikes up a a friendship with Anna when she needs someone to talk to.  Bob charms everyone he meets, except for Dr. Marvin.  Dr. Marvin just wants life to return to normal, but can he survive vacation with Bob?

What happens when your life gets turned upside-down and there's nothing you can do about it? If you are psychiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin (as played by Richard Dreyfus) you want to maim, kill, destroy, etc. (not necessarily in that order) the problem and return your life to a state of normalcy. But when you have a problem like Bob...

I love Bill Murray films...especially this one. Murray is completely lovable as Bob and watching Richard Dreyfus' descent to madness is great! There are some classic one-liners, and the film is great fun to watch!!

Rent it once: I own it...but I think everyone should see it at least once
Dude, it's quotable: so many lines, so little time!

What About Bob?
(1991) 99 minutes
Director: Frank Oz
Starring: Bill Murray as Bob Wiley
Richard Dreyfus as Dr. Leo Marvin
Julie Hagerty as Fay Marvin
Charlie Korsmo as Siggy Marvin
Kathryn Erbe as Anna Marvin
Tom Aldredge as Mr. Guttman
Susan Willis as Mrs. Guttman