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    "A boy's best friend is his mother."

    Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho": the movie that made people afraid to take a shower and started a new trend in horror films. Still considered the scariest film (at least according to AFI a few years ago), it keeps the edge and shock value even though its secrets have been revealed. My first encounter was intense (and I knew the ending!)

    Marion Crane (Leigh) dreams of a different life and when an opportunity arises for her dreams to come true (and to help her boyfriend out fiancially) she takes the chance and steals a sizable amount of money. On the run from the law she finds seclusion at the Bates Motel with the owner Norman (Perkins). Everyone knows the rest of her story...but the film does not end there (it has barely even started).

    The remainder of the film is about Marion's sister Lila (Miles). Lila is worried about her sister and hires a private detective, Arbogast (Balsam) to help her locate Marion. They go to the one person would could know, Sam (Gavin) Marion's boyfriend. Will they find Marion? Will they survive the trip? What's the deal with Norman's mom?

    Wow. I've heard the Psycho theme (eee...eee...eee) and seen portions of the famous shower scene, but it packs a punch. This film is unlike any other Hitchcock...more blood and more shocking (how many films kill off it's supposed protagonist within the first 30 minutes?) This is one film that will stand the test of time...and trends of horror films. Well done Hitch!

    Rent it: if you haven't seen it...what are you waiting for (then again my mother refuses to watch it...hmmm)
    --: I don't know if I'd call it quotable, but it's definitely memorable

    Psycho (1960) 109 minutes
    Director: Alfred Hitchcock
    Starring: Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates
    Janet Leigh as Marion Crane
    Vera Miles as Lila Cran
    John Gavin as Sam Loomis
    Martin Balsam as Detective Arbogast


    downosedive said...

    Its ok, but even at the time it dint do much for me, the hype was a let down. Has to be said though that this provided inspiration for so so many slashers, some better than this and many worse than this. So its a piece of cinema history i guess

