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    Coming Soon

    • Fast and Furious franchise
    • The Apple Dumpling Gang
    • Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
    • Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning
    • TV: Duck Tales


    The earth is a mess...700 years ago humans left the planet in the care of several solar powered Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth Class (WALL-E) robots to clean up. There is only one WALL-E left and he continues to do his duty, creating blocks with the trash. During the course of his day, WALL-E collects interesting items and places them in a cooler, which he adds to his collection at home. His most treasured possession is his "Hello Dolly!" tape, which he plays as often as possible. But watching the film makes him lonely, even though he has an indestructible cockroach as company.

    One day everything changes, and a sleek new robot named EVE arrives on earth. She has a gun arm and is a bit trigger happy, and is searching for plant life. WALL-E is immediately smitten with her and eventually forms a deep friendship with her. After finding plant life, they are transported to the ship containing all the humans. They created a system that does everything for them: they watch computer screens in front of them at all times and drink slushy-like meals, and never leave their chairs. This is the life EVE knows, but it is all new and exciting for WALL-E.

    I have been impressed with the quality of Pixar films. They have a good story, excellent computer animation, and are funny. I have had the ability to see all the Pixar films in theaters at least once, and continue to enjoy them at home. With that in mind I wasn't sure how to feel about this film, based on the previews it looked cute, but I was still skeptical. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Despite being relatively dialogue free for large portions of the film (other than the various noises coming from WALL-E), it was easy to follow and accept everything that was happening. So much emotion was conveyed by a simple action, and the music continued the smooth ride. You care about WALL-E and EVE, and are willing to accept more characters in the second half of the film...and the world they live in.

    I appreciated the references to "Hello Dolly!" While it is not my favorite musical (the film is o.k., but I prefer to see the show live), it was a perfect choice to illustrate the emotions of the characters. Director Andrew Stanton can do no wrong...he directed "Finding Nemo" and voiced the surfer turtle Crush. Once again he delivered a hit and managed to surpass the success of Nemo. I look forward to seeing what he has in store next! This isn't just a cartoon for kids (although they do love the film). A beautiful piece of work, and worth the accolades it has been receiving.

    Dude, it's quotable: there isn't really much dialogue, but it is a memorable film!
    Rent it!!: not only does it have a good story, sharp animation, strong voice talents and references to the other Pixar films, they also use real footage from "Hello Dolly" and of Fred Willard as President Shelby, although they do look a bit cartoony. An excellent choice for any gathering

    WALL-E (2008) 98 minutes
    Director: Andrew Stanton
    Starring: Ben Burtt as WALL-E / M-O
    Elissa Knight as EVE
    Jeff Garlin as Captain McCrea
    Fred Willard as Shelby Forthright (BNL CEO)
    MacInTalk as AUTO
    John Ratzenberger as John
    Kathy Najimy as Mary
    Sigourney Weaver as Ship's Computer


    Manoel David said...

    personally I don't lie that much animation films... I watched Wall-e almost forced by my friends, and I fee just like you, surprised.
    they talk about a very serious problem that we are facing in the world in a way that even kinds can understand it. One animation that I watched recently is "the tale of desperaux", isn't good as wall-e, but its the most cutie film that I ever watched (:

    yes, I totally agree. e-mail is pretty much easer

