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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Flower Drum Song

"So where are you folks from?"
"The East."
"Oh, New York, huh?"
"Further east."

The only Rogers & Hammerstein musical to have an all Asian cast, Flower Drum Song is not as well-known or oft performed as other R&H musicals.
The story opens with Mei Li (Umeki) & her father Doctor Li (Kam Tong) illegally coming to America. Mei Li is supposed to marry Sammy Fong (Soo), but he was born and raised in the states and does not care for old customs. He works at an Asian night club and is in love with the head-liner Linda (Kwan), but he can't marry her. To get rid of Mei Li, he has them live with the uber-traditional Wang family. Chi-Yang (Fong) the father does not understand his Americanized sons, or sister Madame Liang (Hall), and welcomes the Li's into his home. He hopes Mei Li will attract the attention of his oldest son Ta (Shigeta), who happens to be interested in Linda as well.

I just bought this film and was overall impressed. The settings and costumes are beautiful and while the songs aren't as well-known as others in the R&H collection, they are just as good. Its hard to find, BUT definitely worthwhile!! Also look for The King & I Prince (hes the youngest member of the Wang family) and Bloody Mary from South Pacific is Madame Liang.

Flower Drum Song
(1961) 133 minute
Director: Henry Koster
based on the stage musical by Rogers & Hammerstein
Starring: Nancy Kwan as Linda Low
James Shigeta as Wang Ta
Benson Fong as Wang Chi-Yang
Jack Soo as Sammy Fong
Juanita Hall as Madame "Auntie" Liang
Reiko Sato as Helen Chao
Patrick Adiarte as Wang San
Kam Tong as Doctor Li
Miyoshi Umeki as Mei Li

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