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Monday, June 25, 2007

Juyuso seubgyuksageun: Attack the Gas Station

Korean Punk Rock Culture

The film opens with four guys robbing a local gas station: they take all the money and knock some stuff around. A few minutes later they are bored and so they decide to rob the gas station again, "just because". But this time the owner was smart and doesn't have any the guys decide to hold the owner and his three teenage employees hostage while they run the gas station and take all the money.
Leading the group is No Mark (Sung-jae) who has an issue with authority, especially the owner, but treasures his family photo. Mad Dog (Oh-seong) wears a hat, wields a bat and makes the hostages stand on their heads. Rockstar (Seong-jin) has long hair and gets uber violent without music. And Painter (Ji-tae) has bleached blonde hair and enjoys graffiti art.

The four learn how to run the gas station and then charge the customers extra, if you don't pay you get locked in the trunk of your car! But they manage to piss off the following people: the owner (Yeong-gyu), multiple members of a local gang, an attractive woman, the woman's boyfriend, his mafia father, the police, and the local delivery boys.

--: The characters react with violence to just about everything. They beat up people, they subvert authority, they vandalize property, terrorize the police, etc. and don't seem to have a conscience.
RECOMMENDED: Honestly, I liked this film. The use of color and camera techniques are marvelous and the story sucks you in. Watch the film in Korean with subtitles...b/c it's difficult to take the dubbed version seriously...regardless of what they are saying. The flashbacks are insightful and the music is fun!!

Attack the Gas Station [Juyuso seubgyuksageun]
(1999) 113 minutes
Rating: R for pervasive language and violent behavior
Director: Kim Sang-Jin
Starring: Lee Sung-jae as No Mark (the leader)
Yu Oh-seong as Mu Dae-po (according to his name is Bulldozer, but according to the subtitles of the movie he is Mad Dog)
Kang Seong-jin as Ddan Dda-ra (Rockstar)
Yu Ji-tae as Painter
Park Yeong-gyu as the Gas Station Owner
Jeong Jun as Geon-Bbang
Lee Yu-won as Ggal-chi
Lee Jeong-ho as Meek Man
Kim Su-ro as the Angry Delivery Boy

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