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Monday, November 03, 2008

My Top Disney Films #12

#12 AristoCats
"We were just practicing biting and clawing."
"Aristocats do not practice biting and clawing, and things like that. It's just horrible."
"But someday, we might meet a tough alley cat."

Duchess (Gabor) and her talented children live a pampered life. Daughter Marie (English) is a diva in training, son Berlioz (Clark, the gray one) is a piano virtuoso, and Toulouse (Dubin, orange one) is a master painter. They live with their wealthy owner, Madame (Baddeley), and have their every need met by her butler Edgar (Maude-Roxby). When Madame's lawyer Georges (Lane) comes to write her will, she decides to leave everything to her cats. Edgar overhears the plan, and decides to get rid of the cats.

He drugs the cats, and drops them by the side of the road. Thankfully, they are found by the street wise alleycat, Thomas O'Malley (Harris) who offers to show them the way home. Along the way they meet a slew of interesting charcters: the geese sisters Abigail and Amelia and their "marinated" Uncle Waldo, and a bunch of swinging cats (see below).

Don't eat me...I just want to learn how to be a cat!

Meanwhile, back at Madame's their mouse buddy Roquefort (Holloway) tries to keep tabs on Edgar and find the cats before it is too late.

Reason I chose this film:
These are a bunch of swinging cats...the music is great (Everybody Wants to be a Cat). My brother likes to quote the line "You're not a're nothing but a sister." There are lots of good lines between the siblings, plus, they are completely adorable. The supporting characters are great: Scat Cat and the band, the geese, and the two dogs...and they almost manage to steal the show.

AristoCats (1970) 78 minutes
Director: Wolfgang Reitherman
Starring: Phil Harris as O'Malley
Eva Gabor as Duchess
Sterling Holloway as Roquefort
Scatman Crothers as Scat Cat
Dean Clark as Berlioz
Liz English as Marie
Gary Dubin as Toulouse
Charles Lane as Georges Hautecourt
Hermoine Baddeley as Madame
Roddy Maude-Roxby as Edgar

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