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    My Top Disney Films #8

    #8 Sleeping Beauty

    "Well, I'm really not supposed to speak to strangers, but we've met before."

    The birth of Princess Aurora brings forth all the magical creatures in the area. The three good fairies, arrive to bless the princess. Flora (Felton) in pink, gives the gift of beauty, Fauna (Allen) in green, gives the gift of music, but Merryweather (Luddy) in blue is interrupted by the prescence of the evil Maleficent (Audley) who curses the princess: when she turns 16 she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die. The good fairies are unable to do Maleficent's curse, so Merryweather uses her gift to alter the story, Aurora won't dies, she'll sleep until she is awoken by a kiss from her true love.
    The fairies, and the King and Queen, know that Maleficent won't allow her plan to be changed, so they form a secret plan (see below)

    But I don't want tea!

    to save her life. The fairies put away their magic wands, and under the cover of darkness, leave the castle with the baby. Sixteen years later they prepare for Aurora (now Briar Rose)'s birthday, while she walks through the forest singing with her animal friends. While she is strolling around, she is met by the handsome Prince Phillip (Shirley) to whom she is bethroved (although they do not know each other), and they fall in love. Back at the cottage, the fairies try to make a perfect birthday gown and cake for their beloved Rose/Aurora, but their efforts are in vain. So Merryweather breaks out the wands, and Flora and Merryweather fight sending magical sparks up the chimney, alerting Maleficent to their location.

    Reason I chose this film:
    I love the fairies*...they are very funny and endearing, and my favorite part of the film. I love the story, and the way it is drawn. Maleficent was always incredibly scary, as are her minions, so while I always liked this film, it was never my favorite because she was a bit to intense for me. I'm not a fan of the song, maybe it's Aurora's voice, or maybe it's just the song...it's memorable, but not my favorite.

    *I love the fight between Flora and Merryweather. I like Merryweather more, but the pink dress is prettier (I'm a pink girl)...but I can accept the blue

    Sleeping Beauty (1959) 75 minutes
    Director: Clyde Geronimi
    Starring: Mary Costa as Princess Aurora / Briar Rose
    Bill Shirley as Prince Phillip
    Eleanor Audley as Maleficent
    Verna Felton as Flora
    Barbara Luddy as Merryweather
    Barbara Jo Allen as Fauna


