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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Love's Labour's Lost

"Pray you sir, whose daughters?"
"Their mothers', I have heard."

King Ferdinand (Nivola) has a plan. He and his three friends: Berowne (Branagh), Longaville (Lillard), and Dumaine (Lester); will spend three years in intensive study. They agree to give up women and occasionally spend time fasting. With some hesitation they embark on their journey of knowledge. However, their plans are interrupted by the Princess of France (Silverstone) and her friends: Rosaline (McElhone), Maria (Ejogo), and Katherine (Mortimer). The women camp on the palace grounds, and engage in various forms of mirth (mostly at the men's expense). Each man falls in love, but is prevented from action by his vow, and try to find a way out.

Shakespeare as a musical....yes, I think I'm in love. It is the story of Shakespeare's romance with the addition of popular songs from the 1930s. While the cast, with the exception of Nathan Lane (as Costard), is not known for singing, they manage to pull off the singing and dancing. They aren't well-known actors / actresses, although some are still acting and have been in large films. It may seem like an easy, no-thinking movie...but because director Branagh uses the dialogue from the play, it is necessary to pay attention to what the characters are saying.

It is easy to figure out which girl and guy will end up together, as they wear the same colors throughout the entire film: The King and Princess are in red, Berowne and Rosaline are in blue, Longaville and Maria are in green, Dumaine and Katherine are in orange. It is a fun film, not the best of the genre, but entertaining.

Love's Labour's Lost (2000) 93 minutes
Rating: PG for sensuality and a brief drug reference.
Director: Kenneth Branagh
Starring: Alessandro Nivola as King Ferdinand of Navarre
Alicia Silverstone as The Princess of France
Natascha McElhone as Rosaline
Kenneth Branagh as Berowne
Carmen Ejogo as Maria
Matthew Lillard as Longaville
Adrian Lester as Dumaine
Emily Mortimer as Katherine
Richard Briers as Nathaniel

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