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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Match Point

"Has anyone told you you play an aggressive game?"

Chris (Meyers) is the tennis pro at a London country club, who has played with the best but never reached their level. He begins playing tennis with uber wealthy Tom Hewett (Goode). They quickly become friends, and soon Chris is invited to meet the family. He goes to the opera and parties with the Hewetts and attracts the attention of Tom's sister Chloe (Mortimer). Soon he is trading his tennis job for a job at one of her father's, Alec (Cox), companies, and in a relationship with Chloe. However his interest is held by Tom's fiance, Nola (Johansson). She is a struggling American actress, and not the type of girl the Hewett's want their son to marry. But Chris and Nola are drawn to each other, despite their ties to other people...

Scarlett Johansson and Woody Allen are overrated... Yes, they are talented, but they have made crap as well. Allen films I've seen in the past have been overblown, ego trips and I wasn't impressed, and typically avoid his work. Johansson doesn't irritate me as much, but I don't think she is exceptionally pretty or talented (which tend to be what people discuss about her). I didn't rush out to see this film when it came out, and wasn't particularly interested now...but a friend raved about it, so I was curious enough to give it a try.

It was pretty good. The beginning is formulaic and lulls you into a sense of predictability...but as the story progresses there are twists and turns that you don't see coming. As the story progresses the suspense/tension builds and drives you to the edge of seat in expectation. The characters aren't particularly likable, there are levels of disgust associated with each...and morality is eschew. I wouldn't say I'm a fan of Allen...but I might consider watching another of his films.

Match Point (2005) 124 minutes
Rating: Rated R for some sexuality
Director: Woody Allen
Starring: Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Chris Wilton
Scarlett Johansson as Nola Rice
Emily Mortimer as Chloe Hewett Wilton
Matthew Goode as Tom Hewett
Brian Cox as Alec Hewett
Penelope Wilton as Eleanor Hewett

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