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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Operation: Endgame

"How do I know for sure you are who I think you are?"
"Well, for one, we were just speaking in code. And two... I currently have a Para Carry 9mm pointed squarely at your crotch. I'm High Priestess. Nice to meet you."

A hidden underground bunker serves as the workplace for the top government assassins.  They make up two teams: Alpha & Omega, that serve as checks and balances for each other.  It is the first day on the job for The Fool (Anderson), the newest member of Omega. Before the staff meeting, the Devil (Jeffrey Tambor), the boss, is found dead in his office.  And his computer has initiated "Operation: Endgame," a program that locks down the exit and is set to self-destruct in 90 minutes.  The above ground control room cannot override the program, and watchers Neil (Michael Hitchcock), Carl (Tim Bagley), and their scary boss Susan (Beth Grant) can only watch the action in the bunker.

Everyone believes there is another secret exit, to find a way out they pair up with their mirror agent:
-Dainty psychopath Hierophant (de Ravin) is paired with burly self-absorbed Judgement (Rhames).
-Anti-social Tower (Jackson) is paired with blunt High Priestess (Q)
-The temptress Temperance (Yustman) is paired with her ex, The Fool
-The cocky Magician (Scott) is paired with angry, cursing Chariot (Corddry)
-And Empress (Barkin), the bored Alpha leader, and Emperor (Odenkirk) the by-the-book Omega leader, are forced to work together

But when the Alpha's start attacking the Omega's, all bets are off.  Who will survive?  Will anyone find the exit?  And what does the mysterious Hermit (Galifianakis) have planned?

I discovered this film on Netflix Instant streaming and it sounded interesting.  In addition, it featured a strong cast and I was in the mood for an action film.

From the opening sequence, you are greeted by a consistent stream of cursing.  At some point in the film every character lets loose a string of profanity ... unnecessary to the flow of the story and completely jarring.

All of the battles are bloody and gruesome.  The choreography is good, and the fights are intense... but be prepared for significant blood loss and other moments of nastiness.  But the level of violence should not be a surprise, since the film's description is vivid in this area: there will be blood, and if you can't handle that, I suggest staying away from this film.

The plot doesn't make sense... it's an excuse to showcase the fight scenes.  There is never a clear explanation why the agents are supposed to kill each other and destroy their fortified workplace, which they are all trapped inside.  And the ending comes out of nowhere.  Some of this confusion could come from the actors ad-libbing.  If you like Rob Corddry's brand of comedy, you might enjoy this film.

In spite of these issues, I appreciate the casting... and they got create with weaponry.  Prior to entering the bunker, each agent has to unload their weapons into a locker.  There is no weapons stash within the bunker, so the agents have to get creative... paper shredders, golf clubs, a water cooler... it gets gruesome, but at least its memorable.

If you enjoy good comedy, drama, or action ... DON'T watch this film.  Some people may enjoy it, but it's not for everyone.

Operation: Endgame (2010) 87 minutes
Rating: R for strong violence and pervasive language including sexual references
Director: Fouad Mikati
Starring: Joe Anderson as Fool
Rob Corddry as Chariot
Ellen Barkin as Empress
Odette Yustman as Temperance
Maggie Q as High Priestess
Zach Galifianakis as Hermit
Adam Scott as Magician
Brandon T. Jackson as Tower
Emilie de Ravin as Hierophant
Bob Odenkirk as Emperor
Ving Rhames as Judgement

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