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Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Brave (2012)

"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"

Princess Merida (Macdonald) is a skilled archer, who is happiest with a bow in her hands and the wind in her face.  However, her mother, Queen Elinor (Thompson), has other plans... which involve turning her unruly daughter into a lady / future queen.  Their country is comprised of 4 clans: Merida's father King Fergus (Connolly), Lord MacGuffin (McKidd), Lord Dingwall (Coltrane), and Lord Macintosh (Ferguson).  The other three clans are on hand to compete in the Highland Games, with the first-born of each clan competing for Merida's hand.

However, she is not impressed with her suitors: Young MacGuffin (McKidd) who no one understands, Wee Dingwall (O'Neill) who has no discernible fighting skills, and the vain Young Macintosh (Cree).  To win her hand, the 3 have to compete in an archery competition.  She manages to out-shoot her competitors and upset her mother.  With her future spinning out of control, Merida rides away and seeks the help of the Witch (Walters) to change her fate.

I was very excited about this film... Pixar has yet to disappoint me (*I did not watch Cars 2 and have no plans to do so), and I wanted to see their take on the princess genre, which Disney has done so well.  Verditct: it's a well-made, entertaining film that renews my faith in Pixar.

The story was not what I was expecting... I did not read any spoilers, but based on the previews I thought I knew what was coming, and I was wrong.  It is an entertaining story, focusing on the relationship between mothers and daughters... and appropriately enough, I took my mother to see the film.  The characters look great, love the music, and the characters were entertaining.  I loved the different characters, specifically the antics of Merida's little brothers and her father.  Kelly Macdonald brings a spunky energy to Merida, which works well with her physical appearance.  Her red hair is wild and untamed and takes on a life of its own.

Sure, it may not be the greatest Pixar movie ever or breaking new ground (like other Pixar films), but it is still an enjoyable film that will please all ages.

Brave (2012) 100 minutes
Director: Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman, & Steve Purcell
Starring: Kelly Macdonald as Merida
Billy Connolly as King Fergus
Emma Thompson as Queen Elinor
Julie Walters as The Witch
Robbie Coltrane as Lord Dingwall
Kevin McKidd as Lord MacGuffin / Young MacGuffin
Craig Ferguson as Lord Macintosh
Steven Cree as Young Macintosh
Steve Purcell as The Crow
Callum O'Neill as Wee Dingwall

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