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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman

"What does she want from me?"
"Your beating heart."

After the death of his wife, King Magnus (Noah Huntley) is bewitched by the beautiful Ravena (Theron).  They marry, and she kills him and steals the kingdom, and keeps his daughter locked in a tower.  Years later the kingdom is in ruins.  Ravena still looks young and beautiful, after draining the life from the women of the country.  She learns the only way to stay young forever, is to consume the heart of the king's daughter, Snow White (Stewart).

Snow manages to excape, and makes her way to the dark forest.  Ravena's men, led by her brother Finn (Spruell), are unable to follow her, so they force the Huntsman (Hemsworth) to lead the expedition.  Meanwhile, Snow's childhood friend William (Claflin) begins his own rescue mission.  With a scrappy troupe of dwarves: Beith (McShane), Muir (Hoskins), Gort (Winstone), Nion (Frost), Duir (Marsan), Coll (Jones), Quert (Harris),  and Gus (Gleeson), can Snow reclaim her kingdom.

I watched this film with a few friends... and while the film was running we kept noticing the similarities between this film and other recent films, including Twilight.  It is an interesting film... not what you expect.  It isn't bad, it's unique.  Charlize Theron is incredible as Ravena: creepy and intimidating.  I still don't see what's so great about Kristen Stewart... she has 2 expressions, and is an ok actress.  The male leads were fine.  Unlike other Snow White films, the dwarf characters were not played by little people, they were played by actors, with their faces imposed on the bodies of little people.  I really don't see why that needed to happen... there are plenty of talented actors who are little people, and apparently this decision received a significant amount of flack during the casting process.

All in all, the cast and effects are impressive, but the story is not what you expect.

Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) 127 minutes
Rated: PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, and brief sensuality
Director: Rupert Sanders
Starring: Kristen Stewart as Snow White
Chris Hemsworth as The Huntsman
Charlize Theron as Ravena
Sam Claflin as William
Sam Spruell as Finn
Ian McShane as Beith
Bob Hoskins as Muir
Ray Winstone as Gort
Nick Frost as Nion
Eddie Marsan as Duir
Toby Jones as Coll
Johnny Harris as Quert
Brian Gleeson as Gus

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