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Friday, May 16, 2014

No se Aceptan Devoluciones: Instructions Not Included

Acapulco playboy Valentin Bravo (Derbez) hides his fears and avoids commitments.  One day a former fling, Julie (Lindsey) drops off their daughter and runs away.  Valentin takes the infant across the border to Los Angeles to give the baby back.  But he ends up starting a new life as a father.

Six years later, Valentin is a top stunt man for Frank Ryan (Raymont) films.  His life is devoted to his daughter, Maggie (Peralta), who has a vivid imagination.  Maggie longs to meet her mother and her wish comes true with Julie comes back into their life and Valentin's relationship with Maggie is threatened.

I heard good things about this film and was excited when it showed up on Netflix instant streaming.  I was pleasantly surprised.  You think you know what to expect, based on the trailer and the description, but then the film changes and takes you by surprise... and it continues to change until the end.  The story packs and emotional punch, while still making you laugh throughout.

The majority of the film is in Spanish, so be prepared to read subtitles.  But the subtitles don't take away from the enjoyment of the film, so don't let that keep you from watching.  Eugenio Derbez has many great facial expressions and Loreta Peralta is adorable and captures your heart.  A sweet film.

Instructions Not Included [No se Aceptan Devoluciones] (2013) 122 minutes
Rating: PG-13 for sexual content, thematic elements and language
Director: Eugenio Derbez
Starring: Eugenio Derbez as Valentin Bravo
Jessica Lindsey as Julie
Loreta Peralta as Maggie
Daniel Raymont as Frank Ryan
Alessandra Rosaldo as Renee

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