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    How to Train Your Dragon 2

    "I'll bloody his fist with my face if he tries to take my dragon!"

    Five years after the Vikings of Berk accepted dragons, they are caught up in dragon racing.  Hiccup (Baruchel) and his Night Fury Toothless are training and exploring, creating a map of the surrounding areas.  One day they encounter a group of dragon trappers, led by Eret (Harington), who blame Hiccup and his friends for the destruction of their camp.  Eret works for Drago Bludvist (Hounsou), a dangerous man who wields a powerful dragon army.

    When Hiccup's father Stoic (Butler) learns that Drago is near, he orders the village to ground the dragons and everyone to stay within the city.  Hiccup and Toothless escape and encounter a mysterious dragon rider.  The rider is Valka (Blanchett), Hiccup's mother, who has spent the last 20 years studying and protecting dragons.  As Stoick and Gobber (Ferguson) search for Hiccup, his friends: Astrid (Ferrera), Snotlout (Hill), Fishlegs (Mitz-Plasse), Tuffnut (Miller) and Ruffnut (Wiig), capture Eret and force him to take them to Drago.  Can Hiccup protect the people and dragons of Berk?

    How to Train Your Dragon was an endearing film, that was a surprise hit.  Apparently the concept is loosely based on the children's book series "How to Train Your Dragon" by Cressida Cowell.  The first film deviated quite a bit from the first book in the series.  Director Dean DeBlois (who also wrote the screenplay), returned to direct the sequel, and negotiated a deal to make a trilogy.  All of the principle voice cast returned to their respective roles and are all signed for the third film.

    DeBlois wisely chose to set this film 5 years after the original, allowing for significant changes in the characters.  The animators created realistic aging for the main cast, while still keep the characteristics that audience loved from the first film.  They also had the opportunity to create new dragons and new characters that move the story forward, beyond repeating the sequence of the first film.  Cate Blanchett was an inspired choice as Valka, she brings passion and depth to the character.  Djimon Hounsou is the perfect villain, love his voice.

    It was a joy to return to these characters and to see what happens next with Hiccup and Toothless, who have their own surprises.  The film stands well on it's own, and gives plenty of material / growth for the third film.

    How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) 102 minutes
    Director: Dean DeBlois
    Starring: Jay Baruchel as Hiccup
    Cate Blanchett as Valka
    Gerard Butler as Stoick
    Craig Ferguson as Gobber
    America Ferrera as Astrid
    Jonah Hill as Snotlout
    Christopher Mintz-Plasse as Fishlegs
    T. J. Miller as Tuffnut
    Kristen Wiig as Ruffnut
    Djimon Hounsou as Drago
    Kit Harington as Eret


