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Friday, July 22, 2016

The Throwaways (2015)

Drew Reynolds (Huntington) is a notorious hacker.  He is captured by the CIA and given a chance: help them or spend the rest of his life in jail.  His former mentor, Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Holden (Caan), is leading the team.  They are trying to find a device called the Pantheon that was created by Reynolds.  Pantheon gives the user full control over any electronic system and cannot be hacked.  A hacker named Teebs (Stewart) has control of the program and is using it to shut down the power to Chicago's grid.  Reynolds agrees to help, but only if he can pick the team.

CIA agent Connelly (Kesy) is the leader of the team.  He is a by-the-books agent who disapproves of the rest of the team.  Gloria (McGrath) is a beautiful agent who seduces her targets to get information, but is seen as a joke by other agents.  Dmitri (Hillborg) is a former KGB agent who is known for ditching his team in dangerous situations, and  Fisher (Dillon) is violence-prone agent who is on forced desk duty.  Can they work together long enough to stop Teebs?

This is a mindless heist movie. There are occasional funny moments and situations,  but the focus is the mission. Many of the characters are one-dimensional, but it works here. If you go into it with reasonable expectations, you will probably enjoy this film.

I first noticed this film at Redbox and was intrigued. I like Sam Huntington and the premise sounded interesting.

The film wasn't highly publicized and doesn't have many big names. It is exactly the kind of film you expect it to be, and there is something nice about that. Enjoyable, but forgettable.

The Throwaways (2015) 90 minutes
Director: Tony Bui
Starring: Sam Huntington as Drew
Katie McGrath as Gloria
Christian Hillborg as Dmitri
Jack Kesy as Connelly
Kevin Dillon as Fisher
James Caan as Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Holden
Noel Clarke as Erik
Alfie Stewart as Teebs
Darrel D'Silva as Konstantin
Bashar Rahal as The Broker
Amber Jean Rowan as Bes

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