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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Snowbound for Christmas

Rachel (Darnell-Martin) is eager to impress her new boss, Adrian (Wade).  Adrian and their team are preparing a big pitch for a Tuscan villa.  Adrian and two members of the team will make their presentation that weekend.  He decides to take architect Diane (Buettner) and Rachel, the marketing director.  The meeting is at the Lafayette, which Adrian and Diane previously refurbished.

They are the first and only guests at the resort.  After arriving, they are invited to lead a new project at the resort.  Diane goes to the other side of the resort to begin planning, while Adrian and Rachel remain in the hotel to give the presentation.  A blizzard throws all their plans away.  Diane and her driver/guide Fred (Lo Presti) are stranded in a remote cabin.  The presentation is canceled and no guests are able to make their way to the resort, leaving the Adrian and Rachel alone.  As they take advantage of all the amenities, sparks fly.  Can their budding attraction survive when the snow stops?

This feels like a made-for-TV movie.

The Good:
The scenery is beautiful.  The cast is small, but works well together.

The Bad:
The story is predictable and choppy.

Other Comments:
-Apparently the film is based on a Harlequin novel, "Snowbound with the CEO".
-I'm not sure that this counts as a Christmas movie, despite the title.  Christmas is coming, everything is decorated for Christmas, and the final scenes take place on Christmas Eve (there is also a work Christmas party)... but the holiday isn't the focus.
-Pretty but forgettable.

Snowbound for Christmas (2019) 83 minutes
Director: Marco Deufemia
Starring: Zarrin Darnell-Martin as Rachel
Henderson Wade as Adrian Blackstone
Scott Thompson as Jean-Luc
Josephine Buettner as Diane
Franco Lo Presti as Fred
Julia Baldwin as Natalie
Joseph Cannata as Jerry
Kato Alexander as Ray

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