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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Reuniting the Rubins

"Did you hear the one about the Buddhist, the atheist and the rabbi who turned up at a Seder? No, because it's never going to happen."

Lenny Rubin (Spall) is preparing to take a long, relaxing cruise.  Just before leaving, his mother (Blackman) is rushed to the hospital and reveals that she is dying.  Her last wish is to see all four of her grandchildren for Seder.  Lenny's children have not been in the same place for years, and have restraining orders against each other.  While he thinks it is a hopeless cause, he feels guilty and travels to find his children.  His oldest son, Danny (Callis) is a successful, cutthroat businessman.  Danny is divorced with a young son, Jake (Stevenson), and lives nearby.  His daughter, Andie (Mitra), is an eco-warrior in Africa, who is constantly in motion.  His middle son, Clarity (Newman), is a renowned Buddhist Monk.  And his youngest son, Yona (O'Connor) is a strict Rabbi living in Israel.  Yona's wife, Miri (Brealey), is pregnant with their third child.

Lenny's mother buys their old home, so that the whole family can stay together.  As she spends time in the hospital, Lenny fixes up the house, unsure whether any of his children will show up... and if they do, if they will all survive the experience.

This film was recommended to me by Netflix after watching Peep World.  I wasn't impressed with Peep World, but I enjoyed the trailer for this film and decided to give it a chance.  The cast is impressive.  It was interesting to see Timothy Spall in a leading role and as a likeable character.  All other films I have seen him in, he has been a slimy characters (Sweeney Todd, the Harry Potter series, etc.).  But he is suited to comedy, and really excels here.  James Callis, from TVs Battlestar Galactica, is excellent, as always.  Honor Blackman, formerly a Bond girl in Goldfinger, also steals the show as Gran.  The rest of the cast is good, but Spall, Blackman, and Callis own the screen.

The film is funnier than it should be, and feels very realistic.

Reuniting the Rubins (2010) 97 minutes
Director: Yoav Factor
Starring: Timothy Spall as Lenny Rubin
James Callis as Danny Rubin
Rhona Mitra as Andie Rubin
Hugh O'Connor as Yona Rubin
Theo Stevenson as Jake Rubin
Asier Newman as Clarity Rubin
Honor Blackman as Gran Rubin
Blake Harrison as Nick
Loo Brealey as Miri Rubin

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